At home, we have around 5-6 shared media technologies. This includes TVs, radios and a laptop. I usually use these shared media technologies 3-5 times a week, depending on my free time. When it comes to these media techonologies, my parents do not really give me any restriction, such as curfews, because I do not use them frequently, and usually, I just use them just for required schoolwork. Most of the time, I use my phone, where I use Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Facebook. I don't use these gadgets because I choose not to, but because, sometimes, I am not interested in what is shown on it, especially TV. Most of the time when I don't watch TV, listen to the radio, and use the internet on my phone, I usually draw, listen to music, or sleep. On other times, I read books. Not to brag or anything, but compared to my younger sister, I can say that I am way more disciplined than her. My sister usually watches her favorite movies, like Despicable Me and Sing, from the moment that she wakes up to the time she becomes sleepy. She gets to rest and takes a break every now and then, but mostly, she just watches movies.

Being the one born in the "millenial generation", I am the one most familiar with the technology that is present today, second to my older sister. My parents do not know that much yet, but they're getting there. Me and my older sister help them and teach them when they buy new phones. I won't exactly say that I am easily influenced by my gadgets, but rather by what I view in my gadgets. There are times when all I think of is what I just watched or what I just listened to, and usually, I am aware of it. When times like this happen, mostly when it concerns something fiction, I always remind myself that it is not real, and that I have to get my sense of reality back.
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