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Using My Media Analysis Skills

The media that I chose to evaluate is an episode from the radio drama anthology series called, “The Truth”. I have listened to radio drama for a pretty long time, and “The Truth” has certainly stood out because of its wide range of genres, unpredictable plots, and interesting storytelling. It has never failed to surprise me when it comes to their stories and they always leave me amazed with how they execute their stories. Each episode is just 10-30 minutes long, so it would not really take much of your time if you plan to do something after listening. The episode that I have chosen to analyze is “Biological Clock.” It is about a couple, named Adam and Allie, who would do anything just to have a baby. To give you more context and prevent spoiling, I would rather recommend you to hear it for yourself than have me explain what the whole thing is about. Listen to it here (earphones are recommended): ...

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